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For journals published on FRITT we advice using DOIs as the articles then receive a persistent identifier or URI. This is advantageous as the URIs will then always be functional, even in the instance that that a journal is moved for example to another publisher. By using DOIs in citations etc. one also ascertains that the article in question can always be found. The DOI system also makes citation monitoring possible.

DOI setup is generally managed by the journal administrators. UB submits the DOIs to

Reference lists

For every article assigned a DOI, the list of references must be updated with DOIs where this exists. This can be done by pasting the full list into this online form: You will then receive the same reference list in return with links replaced wit DOIs for all articles assigned one. Note - this service requires the user to register before using it.

Example from a reference list from a JEB article:

Joglekar YN, Wolf SJ. The elusive memristor: properties of basic electrical circuits.  European Journal of Physics. 2009;30:661. Available from:

The reference is returned with the link replaced with the correct DOI:

Joglekar YN, Wolf SJ. The elusive memristor: properties of basic electrical circuits.  European Journal of Physics. 2009;30:661. Available from:

DOI setup in OJS

A DOI-id consist of a prefix and suffix. The prefix consists of the University Library DOI code, the suffix is unique to each journal and can have different formats. For FRITT journals the doi-suffix format should be like one of the following:

  • The suffix starts with the journal acronym
  • The suffix consists of the article-id.
  • The form should be in one of the example formats listed below:
    1. journalacronym.ojsarticle-id (e.g. jeb.5344)
    2. journalacronym.volume.ojsarticle-id (e.g jeb.v3.5344)
    3. journalacronym.volumeandissue.ojsarticle-id (e.g. jeb.v3i1.5344)

The examples above are the default options in OJS and selecting one of these will make working with DOIs easier. It is possible to include page numbers as well, but this is not adviced. The suffix should be as short and simple as possible, and the combinations listed above are complex enough to make each DOI unique. The recommended choice for journals starting with DOIs are example i.


The journal acronym should already be defined in Journal setup.  Further configuration for DOIs are done as described below:

Home -> User -> Journal Management -> System Plugins -> Public Identifier Plugins ->

  • Under the DOI heading, select «Enable» and click «Settings», then select «Articles» in the list.
  • DOI prefix – add UBs DOI prefix: 10.5617
  • Suffix – select pattern as described above. Check that the upper radio button is selected and register the suffix format for the journal:
  1. Acronym.article-id should be registrered as: %j.%a
  2. Acronym.volume.article-id should be registrered as: %j.%v.%a
  3. Acronym.volumeandissue.article-id should be registrered as: %j.%v%i.%a

The FRITT journals are adviced only to assign DOIs for articles. Only details for articles should therefore be completed.

Assigning DOIs to articles

The system will assign a DOI per article, these should then be exported, checked and submitted to CrossRef, our DOI vendor. UB takes care of the submission to CrossRef.

  1. Check that all articles have page numbers
  2. Export DOI xml, this could either be for an article, several articles, an issue or several issues. Go to: Home -> User Home -> Journal Management -> Import/Export Data -> CrossRef XML export plugin. Choose whether you want to export articles or an issue, select which you want to export DOIs for and click «Export».
  3. In the xml file, check that the <registrant>  tag is labelled: University of Oslo Library
  4. If you use the QuickSubmit plugin, date information might not be included. If so this must be added.
  5. Send the xml file to UB, preferably to the adress We will validate the file and submit it to CrossRef.           

Any questions?

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Published Feb. 3, 2015 2:27 PM - Last modified Dec. 10, 2020 2:41 PM