Norwegian version of this page

Open Access and FRITT journals

UB requires FRITT journals to make Open Access policies for their authors openly available. The journals are free to further specify and expand on the guidelines as long as they do not limit the authors rights.

Fields to complete when setting up the journal in FRITT

English and Norwegian text regarding Open Access

Register the text in OJS:
Log in as Journal Manager, then go to: Journal Management - Management Pages - Setup - 4. Management - 4.1 Access and Security Settings - Open Access Policy.
Tick the box for The journal will provide open access to its contents. Add the texts provided below (or similar) in the Open Access policy text box:

English user interface:

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Norwegian user interface (bokmål):

Dette tidsskriftet gir umiddelbar og fri tilgang (Open Access) til tidsskriftets innhold, ut fra det prinsipp at det å gjøre forskning fritt tilgjengelig for allmennheten gir økt global utveksling av kunnskap.

English and Norwegian text for copyright notice

Register the text in OJS:
Log in as Journal Manager, then go to: Journal Management - Management Pages - Setup - 3. Submissions - 3.2 Copyright Notice.

UB requires as a minimum that this applies to the published version of an article, and has no requirements for post-print or pre-print versions. It is however important that the journal also concretizes their policy for these versions under section 2, so authors and other interested parties know what is allowed.

English user interface:

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright, and grant [journal title] right of first publication with the work.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g. post it to an institutional repository), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.

Norwegian user interface:

Forfattere som publiserer i dette tidsskriftet aksepterer følgende vilkår:

  1. Forfattere beholder opphavsretten til sine verk, og gir [tidsskriftets navn] rett til første publisering av verket.
  2. Forfattere kan inngå separate tilleggsavtaler om ikke-eksklusiv distribusjon av den publiserte utgaven av sine artikler (f.eks. avgi den til et institusjonelt publiseringsarkiv) så lenge [tidsskriftets navn] blir kreditert som første utgiver.

For more information, please contact

Published Feb. 3, 2015 2:28 PM - Last modified Mar. 10, 2017 2:19 PM