Norwegian version of this page

The University of Oslo's Open Access Policy

The following applies to peer-reviewed scientific articles:

1. Mandatory institutional archiving of all peer-reviewed articles in UiO's institutional repository

All members of staff employed by UiO after 4 July 2013 are obliged to deposit a post‐print version of scientific articles produced in connection with the employment relationship into the institutional repository.

UiO also encourages all members of staff whose employment commenced prior to 4 July 2013 to follow this practice.

The "post‐print" version means the final manuscript version following peer-review. When the publisher permits institutional archiving of the publisher's pdf, then this is the preferred choice. If publication takes place in a journal that does not allow institutional archiving, and the employee, after inquiring, is not granted such permission by the publisher, the person concerned is relieved of this requirement. If one or more co-authors use their right of refusal, the same applies.

2. Making scientific articles deposited into the institutional repository openly available

All members of staff employed by UiO after 4 July 2013 shall undertake to do their best to ensure that scientific articles deposited into the institutional repository can be made openly available as soon as possible.(1)

UiO also encourages all members of staff whose employment commenced prior to 4 July 2013 to comply with this practice of making scientific articles openly available.

3. Choosing where to publish

When choosing where to publish, UiO recommends that all employees select journals that allow the article to be openly available. These may either be Open Access journals or those that permit articles to be deposited and made openly available in an institutional repository.

(1) See Section 2.3.6. in UiO's IPR policy dated 6 December 2011.

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Published Oct. 27, 2015 11:01 AM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2022 9:50 AM