Norwegian version of this page

Open Access journals in the Register for Scientific Journals

Here are two guidelines for searching for approved publishing channels in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals.


1: Find journals with which UiO has an Open Access agreement.
2: Find pure Open Access journals at level 1 or 2.

Find journals with which UiO has an Open Access-agreement

When you search for journals in the Register for Scientific Journals, you can limit your search to only include journals with which Sikt has an Open Access-agreement. UiO is a participant in most of Sikt's Open Access-agreements.

Begin your search at Register for Scientific Journals. Click Switch to advanced search.

Click for advanced search

Advanced search, complete the form.

  • Choose your scientific discipline in NPI Scientific Field
  • Scientific level - choose level 1 or 2
  • Choose language, e.g. English if English is preferred.
  • Publishing Agreement: select Agreement.
  • Do not limit to DOAJ, as you will omit the hybrid journals.

List with results.

  • You get a list of matching journals. 
  • Click one of the journal titles for more information.

More information for one the journals.

  • In this example, the journal is published by Taylor & Francis. See UB's agreement webpage for more information about the agreement with Taylor & Francis.
  • Click Show [+] to see which institutions participating in the agreement. If UiO is part of the agreement, we are listed as Universitetet i Oslo.
  • In addition, you may also check whether the journal meets the requirements of Plan S.

Please note:

Sometimes the publisher information in the publication channel does not match the publishers with which Sikt has an agreement. For example, there may be smaller publishers that have been acquired by large publishers. Sikt has an agreement with the large publisher, but that does not appear in the information. Tip: search the journal itself on the internet to find the publisher more easily.

See example below: the journal Ecology of Food and Nutrition is listed with publisher Gordon and Breach Publishers, and the journal is part of a Sikt agreement. You will not find Gordon and Breach Publishers on the list of Open Access agreements we have entered into. If you look further down in the information, you will see that the journal is in the portfolio of Taylor & Francis, with whom we have an agreement.

Image shows information for one the journals.

Find pure Open Access journals at level 1 or 2

Visit Register for Scientific Journals.

Advanced search

  • Click Switch to advanced search

Advanced search, complete the form

  • Choose your scientific discipline in NPI Scientific Field
  • Scientific level - choose level 1 or 2
  • Choose language, e.g. English if English is preferred.
  • DOAJ: choose Indexed (DOAJ=Directory of Open Access Journals)
  • You may also select Publishing Agreement, but this is omitted in this example.

Results after advanced search

  • You get a list of matching journals. 
  • Click one of the journal titles for more information.

The image shows one of the journals from results.

  • Information about the selected journal, which includes a link to the journal in DOAJ.

  • In addition, you may also check whether the journal meets the requirements of Plan S.

Any questions?

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Published Jan. 22, 2016 10:37 AM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2022 1:30 PM