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Doctoral theses in DUO

How to make your doctoral thesis available in DUO research archive.

There are three ways you can make your doctoral thesis available in DUO:

  1. Register your thesis in Cristin and upload the file. This way, your thesis will be searchable in Cristin, as well as in DUO.
  2. If you do not have access to Cristin you can contact us directly at
  3. If you have your thesis printed at the Graphic center, you can also have the thesis  file sent to DUO. A brief summary/abstract can be included as a separate file.

What happens to the doctoral thesis after delivery?

We check whether the thesis is article-based or a monograph.

Article-based theses

All articles are checked, and we remove those that we cannot make available. This depends on the regulations and self-archiving policy of the publishers.

We link to all published articles from DUO.

Unpublished manuscripts are removed awaiting publishing.


If your thesis is a monograph, and you do not have content which has been published elsewhere previously, the whole thesis can be made accessible in DUO.

If you plan to publish the thesis as a book through a publisher, it is advisable to talk to the publisher in advance. Some publishers are interested in having theses in DUO as good advertising, others do not want the text available online until after the book is released.

Changes in the thesis

We do not change the content of the thesis, for example the author's version of an article is replaced with the published version. The thesis must appear as it was submitted, except for any articles that must be removed due to the publishers' regulations.

When will the thesis be available?

We try to get your thesis registered in DUO as soon as possible after the defense, preferably 2–3 weeks afterwards.

Remember summary/abstract!

It is an advantage to register an abstract in DUO, together with the fulltext file. The abstract increases the visibility of your thesis, and helps readers assess if the thesis is relevant for them.

There are no formal requirements for abstracts in DUO, but we recommend a maximum length of around 600 words. You can register your abstract in several languages.

Why publish in DUO

For information to be useful, it must be accessible - this is part of the Open Access mindset. Open Access means unrestricted online access to articles published in scholarly journals. Making your research available in the DUO research archive, also makes you and your research available to research scenes nationally and internationally.

All doctoral theses in DUO.

When you make your thesis available in DUO, it involves duties and responsibilities for both UiO and you as the author.

Any questions?

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Published Apr. 12, 2011 10:33 AM - Last modified June 20, 2024 10:40 AM