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Register references manually

If you cannot find the reference in any database or journal, you can register the reference manually.

In EndNote:

  1. Click the New Reference button (see EndNote Interface)
    EndNote 20: Click the Add a new reference to the selected group button
  2. Select the appropriate Reference Type at the top
  3. Enter data
  4. Save or Ctrl + S when you are finished

It is not necessary to fill in all the fields, see the table below for minimum information requirements that must be filled in to get the correct reference. The bibliographic style (in EndNote Output Style) has an impact on which fields need to be filled in, so check what the relevant style or journal requires.

Common reference types

Reference Type Reference Type in EndNote

Minimum requirements for correct reference


Journal Article

Article title, author, journal name, year, volume, issue, page number.



Author, title, year, publisher, place of publication, possibly edition.

Edited book

Edited Book

Editor(s), year, title, publisher, place of publication.

Book chapter

Book Section

Author, year, chapter title, editor, book title, place of publication, publisher, page numbers, edition.

Web page

Web Page

Author (responsible for the website - often an organization or institution), title, year, any date of the website (last updated), reading date and URL.

Legal rule or regulation

Legal Rule or Regulation, Government Document

Author (the short title of the law is entered in the Author field with a comma at the end) year, title (full title of the law) and URL if available.

Government documents
(icludes NOUs,

Government Document

Author (short title of NOU or other entered in the author field with a comma at the end: eg Report no. 28 (2014-2015), or NOU 2015: 12,), year, title, place of publication and publisher (department), or URL.


Book/Edited Book (published conferences), Conference Proceedings (unpublished conferences), Book Section (published conference contributions), Conference Paper (unpublished conference contributions)

Author, year, title, conference name and location.



Author, year, title, serial title, place of publication, institution, report number, URL if available.

Master thesis / Doctoral thesis


Author, year, title, place of publication, educational institution (University), degree (Degree) and Thesis Type (eg Master's thesis).

Important rules and exceptions




Enter the full title. Place a colon between the main title and any subtitle. Do not put a dot in the end.


Invert author name.

One author per line.

Organization names must have a comma at the end. Use two commas when an organization / institution has a comma in its name.

For example:

Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten,

Senter for kunnskapsbasert praksis,, Høgskolen i Bergen


Same rules as in the Author field. Do not enter (Ed.) after the editor's name.


Write only the order number (eg 2nd) for edition, do not enter the word edition.


Type only number or range, do not enter p.

Access Date

Applicable if the reference type is Web Page.

Published May 4, 2020 2:27 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2021 3:39 PM