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Library services for evidence syntheses

If you are a researcher or PhD fellow at the University of Oslo or Oslo University Hospital and are conducting an evidence synthesis, you can get help from a librarian with expertise in systematic searches.

What to expect from this service

Evidence synthesis are critical literature reviews that seek to provide answers to a clearly identified question through a predetermined, systematic and explicit method. This can include different types of reviews such as systematic reviews, scoping reviews, narrative reviews and qualitative reviews.

As a researcher or PhD student at the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital or Sunnaas Hospital, you can get help from a librarian with special expertise in this area. We offer a range of services to support you in the process of preparing a systematic knowledge summary:

  • Identification of existing systematic reviews related to your topic
  • Preparation of a peer-reviewed and documented search strategy
  • A systematic literature search
  • Guidance in alternative search methods (citation search, search in reference lists, gray literature)
  • Delivery of search results in the agreed-upon format
  • Help with including the literature search in the methods chapter of your review
  • Updating the search if necessary
  • Guidance in the use of methods and standards such as PRISMA
  • Guidance in the selection of screening tools

After receiving your inquiry, we will contact you for a start-up meeting where we discuss your research project and the search assignment in detail. We will then go into the search process and present preliminary results. Along the way, we will work with you for any adjustments to the search and assessment of search results.


A systematic literature search is an essential part of a systematic review and we spend a lot of time on this. Therefore, we would like to be acknowledged in the article. If there is capacity and wishes from the individual librarian, co-authorship is also applicable, as the work meets the criteria for co-authorship from ICMJE.

Contact us

Please contact us as early as possible in the process, as the work of preparing a systematic review can take time and there might be a queue.

Request literature search for systematic reviews


Do you have questions about this service, about Covidence or want to contact us without ordering a search?

Contact us by e-mail


Covidence is a screening and data extraction tool for conducting systematic reviews. As a student or employee at UiO or OUS, you have free access.