

Pensum BIO / Course Books BIO

BIO 1010 Ørmen: Historien om oss
  Mysterud: Mennesket og moderne evolusjonsteori
BIO 2100 Krebs: Ecology
BIO 2120 Futuyma: Evolution
BIO 2020 Timbrell: Introduction to toxicology
  Freeland: Molecular ecology
  Watson: Molecular biology of the gene
BIO 2150 Whitlock: The analysis of biological data
BIO 3081 Breed: Animal behavior
BIO 4091 Krebs: Introduction to behavioural ecology
BIO 4115 Franklin: Mapping species distributions
BIO 4140 Stearns: The evolution of life histories
BIO 4150 Groom: Principles of conservation biology
BIO 4200 Hahn: Molecular population genetics
BIO 4210 Lemey: The phylogenetic handbook
BIO 4230 Lomolino: Biogeography
BIO 4240 Wheeler: Species concepts and phylogenetic theory
BIO 4250 Judd: Plant systematics
BIO 4270 Aitchison: The seeds of speech
  Pinker: The language instinct
  Dunbar: Human evolution
  Barnard; Language in prehistory
  Larson: The evolution of human language
  Hurford: Origins of language
  Berwick: Why only us
  Botha: Language evolution
BIO 4280 Wolpert: Principles of development
BIO 4301 Kaiser: Marine ecology
BIO 4320 Graham: Algae
BIO 4331 Clark: Marine pollution
BIO 4371 Secor: Migration ecology of marine fishes
BIO 4381 Hallegraeff: Manual on harmful marine microalgae
BIO 4400 Denny: How the ocean works
BIO 4500 Timbrell: Principles of biochemical toxicology
  Walker: Principles of ecotoxicology
  Casarett & Doull's Essentials of toxicology
  Anbefalt / Recommended:
  Stenersen: Kjemiske plantevernmidler
  Gulden: Giftsopper og soppforgiftninger
BIO 4540 Casarett and Doull's toxicology:the basic science of poisons
BIO 4550 Newman: Ecotoxicology
BIO 4600 Strunk: The elements of style
  Matthews: Successful scientific writing
  Gustavii: How to prepare a Scientific doctoral dissertation based on research articles
  Russell: Communicating science
BIOS 1120 Campbell: Biology
BIOS 1130 Lehninger: Principles of biochemistry
  Tymoczko: Biochemistry - a short course
BIOS 1140 Sætre: Evolutionary genetics
BIOS 2100 Krebs: Ecology
BIOS 2220 Hickman: Integrated principles of zoology
BIOS 2900 Watson: Molecular biology of the gene
BIOS 3100 Futuyma: Evolution
BIOS 3601 Wolpert: Principles of development
BIOS 3611 Taiz: Plant physiology and development
BIOS 3700 Alberts: Molecular biology of the cell
BIOS 3800 Silverthorn: Human physiology
BIOS 3910 Madigan: Brock biology of microorganisms
BIOS 3920 Pecorino: Molecular biology of cancer
BIOS 5410 Van Leeuwen: Risk assessment of chemicals

Pensum MBV / Course Books MBV

MBV 3020 Alberts: Molecular biology of the cell
MBV 3050 Silverthorn: Human physiology
MBV 3070 Xiong: Essential bioinformatics
MBV 4020 Sheehan: Physical biochemistry. 2.utg.
MBV 4030 Laane: Moderne mikroskopi med enkle metoder
  Wheater's functional histology
MBV 4120 Krebs: Lewin's genes XII
  Wolpert: Principles of development
MBV 4160 Weinberg: The biology of cancer  
MBV 4240 Alberts: Molecular biology of the cell
MBV 4250 Parham: The immune system
MBV 4260 Janeway's immunobiology 
MBV 4310 Hill: Animal physiology
MBV 4340 Purves: Neuroscience
MBV 9340 Purves: Neuroscience
MNKOM 3000 Eikenes: Handboka
  Svensen: Isfritt
  Rovelli: Syv korte leksjoner i fysikk


Publisert 29. sep. 2010 14:45 - Sist endret 13. feb. 2020 14:24