E. Data

E. Data : hovedinndeling

Klikk på klassifikasjonskoden gir underinndeling og dernest søk i katalogen.
  • E.0 - Data - General
  • E.1 - Data structures
  • E.2 - Data storage representations
  • E.3 - Data encryption
  • E.4 - Coding and information theory
  • E.5 - Files
  • E.m - Data - Miscellaneous

Til toppnivåene.

E.0 - Data - General

E.1, E.1.0 - Data structures
Arrays; Graphs and networks; Lists, stacks and queues; Tables; Trees; Distributed data structures; Records;

E.2, E.2.0 - Data storage representations
Composite structures; Contiguous representations; Hash-table representations; Linked representations; Primitive data items; Object representation;

E.3, E.3.0 - Data encryption
Data encryption standard; Public key cryptosystems; Code breaking; Standarder;

E.4, E.4.0 - Coding and information theory
Data compaction and compression; Error control codes; Formal models of communication; Nonsecret encoding schemes

E.5, E.5.0 - Files
Backup/recovery; Optimization; Organization/structure; Sorting/searching

E.m - Data - Miscellaneous
Publisert 22. feb. 2007 13:18 - Sist endret 3. mai 2016 13:41