H. Information systems

H. Information systems : hovedinndeling

Klikk på klassifikasjonskoden gir underinndeling og dernest søk i katalogen.
  • H.0 - Information systems - General
  • H.1 - Models and principles
  • H.2 - Database management
  • H.3 - Information storage and retrieval
  • H.4 - Information systems applications
  • H.5 - Information interfaces and presentation
  • H.m - Information systems - Miscellaneous

Til toppnivåene.

H.0 - Information systems - General

H.1 - Models and principles

H.1.0 - Models and principles - General

H.1.1 - Systems and information theory
General systems theory; Information theory; Value of information;

H.1.2 - User/machine systems
Human factors; Human information processing; Software psychology;

H.1.m - Models and principles - Miscellaneous

H.2 - Database management

H.2.0 - Database management - General
Security, integrity, and protection

H.2.1 - Logical design
Data models; Normal forms; Schema and subschema; Object-oriented data bases; Relational databases;

H.2.2 - Physical design
Access methods; Deadlock avoidance; Recovery and restart;

H.2.3 - Languages
Data description languages (DDL); Data manipulation languages (DML); Database (persistent) programming languages; Query languages; Report writers; Common command language (CCL)

H.2.4 - Systems
Concurrency; Distributed databaser; Query processing; Transaction processing; Multimedia databases; Object-oriented databases; Parallel databases; Relational databases; Rule-based databases; Textual databases;

H.2.5 - Heterogeneous databases
Data translation; Program translation;

H.2.6 - Database machines

H.2.7 - Database administration
Data dictionary/directory; Logging and recovery; Data warehouse and repository; Security, integrity and protection;

H.2.8 - Database applications
Data mining; Image databases; Scientific databases; Spatial databases and GIS; Statistical databases;

H.2.m - Database management - Miscellaneous

H.3 - Information storage and retrieval

H.3.0 - Information storage and retrieval - General

H.3.1 - Content analysis and indexing
Abstracting methods; Dictionaries; Indexing methods; Linguistic processing; Thesauruses;

H.3.2 - Information storage
File organization; Record classification;

H.3.3 - Information search and retrieval
Clustering; Query formulation; Retrieval models; Search process; Selection process; Information filtering; Relevance feedback;

H.3.4 - Systems and software
Current awareness systems; Information networks; Question-answering (fact retrieval) systems; Distributed systems; Performance evaluation (efficiency and effectiveness); User profiles and alert services;

H.3.5 - Online information services
Data sharing; Commercial services; Web-based services;

H.3.6 - Library automation
Large text archives;

H.3.7 - Digital libraries
Collection; Dissemination; Standards; System issues; User issues;

H.3.m - Information storage and retrieval - Miscellaneous

H.4 - Information systems applications

H.4.0 - Information systems applications - General

H.4.1 - Office automation
Equipment; Spreadsheets; Time management (e.g. calendars, schedules); Word processing; Desktop publishing; Groupware; Workflow management;

H.4.2 - Types of systems
Decision support (e.g. MIS); Logistics; Workflow;

H.4.3 - Communications applications
Bulletin boards; Computer conferencing; Electronic mail; Videotex; Electronic commerce; Electronic money; Groupware; Computer-supported cooperative work; Information browsers;

H.4.m - Information systems application - Miscellaneous

H.5 - Information interfaces and presentation

H.5.0 - Information interfaces and presentation - General

H.5.1 - Multimedia information systems
Animations; Artificial realities; Audio input/output; Evaluation/methodology; Hypertext navigation and maps; Video (e.g. tape, disk, DVI);

H.5.2 - User interfaces
Ergonomics; Evaluation/methodology; Input devices and strategies (e.g. mouse, touchscreen); Interaction styles (e.g. commands, menus, forms, direct manipulation); Screen design (e.g. text, graphics, color); Theory and methods; Training, help and documentation; User interface management systems (UIMS); Windowing systems; Auditory (non-speech) feeback; Benchmarking; Graphical user interfaces; Haptic I/O; Natural language; Prototyping; Standardization; Style guides; User-centered design; Voice I/O;

H.5.3 - Group and organization interfaces
Asynchronous interaction; Evaluation/methodology; Organizational design; Synchronous interaction; Theory and models; Collaborative computing; Computer-supported cooperative work; Web-based interaction;

H.5.4 - Hypertext/hypermedia
Architectures; Navigation; Theory; User issues;

H.5.5 - Sound and music computing
Methodologies and techniques; Modeling; Signal analysis, synthesis and processing; Systems;

H.5.m - Miscellaneous

H.m - Information systems - Miscellaneous
Publisert 22. feb. 2007 13:19 - Sist endret 3. mai 2016 13:41