Oppslagsverk / Reference work

De fleste av disse oppslagsverkene er engelskspråklige.



The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Japan, Cambridge 1993. UHS Ref2 Cam

Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources, National Museum of Japanese History 2019. 

Japan Encyclopedia, Cambridge, Mass 2002. UHS Ref2 952 Jap

Japanese, Chinese and Korean surnames and how to read them (2b. i 3), München 1998.  UHS Ref4 929.4 Had

Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan(9b.), Tokyo 1983. UHS Ref2 og Ref4 952.003 Kod 9 bind. 

Columbia chronologies of Asian history and culture 

歴史情報学の教科書 国立国立歴史民俗博物館 2019


Fleste ordbøker finnes 4.etg. i biblioteket. UHS Mes ØST Eb 3x Xxx

Weblio 辞書

WWWJDIC: Online Japanese Dictionary Service

史的文字データベース連携検索システム 奈良文化財研究所


A Dictionary of basic Japanese grammar, Tokyo 1986. UHS Mes ØST Eb 80 Mak

A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese grammar, Tokyo 1995 UHS Mes ØST Eb 80 Mak

A guide to remembering Japanese characters, Rutland 1998. UHS Mes ØST  Eb 90 Hen   

Kotobank - samrokordbok: Leksikon, Who's who, jap-jap, jap-eng, eng-jap, nyord, terminologi osv. 

Naru Hodo : moderne japansk grammatikk : fra det enkle til det avanserte : 1, Bergen 2015. UHS Mes ØST Eb 80 Sol

Naru Hodo : moderne japansk grammatikk : fra det enkle til det avanserte : 2, Bergen 2015. UHS Mes ØST Eb 80 Sol/2 

Oxford Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, 2012

Remembering the kanji : a systematic guide to reading Japanese characters : 2, Honolulu 2009. UHS Mes ØST Eb 90 Hei/2


Historie, politikk, kultur og samfunn/History, Politics, Culture, Society

Cambridge Companion to modern Japanese culture, Cambridge 2009. UHS 306.0952 Cam

Cambridge history of Japan(6 b.) , Cambridge 1988-1999. UHS Ref2 952 Cam, UHS 952 Cam

Companion encyclopedia of Asian philosophy, London 1997. UHS Ref3 181.003 Com

Encyclopedia of Asian history(4 b.), New York 1988. UHS Ref2 950.03 Enc

Encyclopedia of contemporary Japanese culture, London 2002. UHS Ref2 952 Enc

Encyclopedia of modern Asia : a Berkshire Reference work (6 b.), UHS Ref2 950.03 Enc

Handbook of Japanese popular culture, New York 1989. UHS 952.04 Han

Historical dictionary of postwar Japan,  Lanham 2011. UHS Ref2 952.04 Hoo

Japan-Handbuch : Land und Leute,  Stuttgart 1990. UHS Ref2 952 Jap

Japanese philosophy : a source book, Honolulu 2011. UHS Ref3 181.12 Jap

Mangapedia マンガぺディア - Encyclopedia for Japanese Manga 

Modern Japan : an Encyclopedia of history, culture and nationalism, 1998. UHS Ref2 952.003 Mod

Modern Japanese culture and society(4 b.), London 2007. UHS Ref2 952.04 Mod

Oxford Handbook of Japanese Cinema, 2014

Routledge handbook of Heritage in Asia, 2012

Routledge handbook of Japanese culture and society, London 2011. UHS Ref2 952.05 Rou. Routledge handbok of Heritage in Asia

Routledge handbook of Japanese politics, London 2011. UHS Ref2 952.Rou

Samurai: an encyclopedia of Japan's cultured warriors



Digital Dictionary of Buddhism - Michael Beddow

Encyclopedia of Shinto - Kokugakuin daigaku

Encyclopedia of Shinto(3b),  Tokyo 2001-2006 UHS Ref3 299.56103 Enc

Japanese Buddhist Statuary : Gods, Goddessess, Shinto Kami, Creature & Demons

Handbook of contemporary Japanese religions, Leiden 2012. UHS Ref3 200.952 Han 

Handbook of Japanese mythology, Santa Barbara 2007. UHS Ref3 299.56 Ash 

Historical dictionary of Shinto, Lanham 2002. UHS Ref3 299.56103 Pic 

Religion and marginal society(Modern Japanese culture and society), London 2007. UHS Ref2 952.04 Mod/4

Shinto shrines : a guide to the sacred sites of Japan's ancient religion, Honolulu 2013. UHS Ref3 299.56135 Cal 



I biblioteket GHSs 4.etg. finnes det flere oppslagsverker på hyllene med UHS Mes ØST Ec 10, Ec 20. Litteraturkritikk finnes på hyllene med UHS Ec 30.

The Columbia Companion to modern East Asian literature, New York 2003. UHS Ref4 895 Mod

Introduction to contemporary Japanese literature (3 b.), Tokyo, 1939-1972. UHS Mes ØST Ec 20 Int

Japanese fiction writers, 1868-1945, Detroit, 1997. UHS Ref3 809 DLB/180 

Japanese fiction writers since World War II, Detroit, 1997. UHS Ref3 809 DLB/182

Japanese women fiction writers : their culture and society, 1890s to 1990s, Lanham, 2002. UHS Mes ØST Ec 20 Fai

Japanese women novelist, Copenhagen, 1994. UHS Mes ØST Ec 10 Sch

Literature Resource Center

Modern Japanese writers, New York, 2001. UHS Mes ØST Ec 10 Mod

Routledge handbook of modern Japanese literature, London, 2016. UHS Mes ØST Ec 10 Rou, Digital versjon



Japanese Historical Maps - East Asian Library, University of California, Berkeley

Maps & Geospatial Information - Geographic Information Authority of Japan



Statistics Bureau, Japan

Statistics & other data, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, Japan

Publisert 11. feb. 2014 15:20 - Sist endret 28. juni 2024 14:00