Bibliografiske databaser og tekstsamlinger

America History and Life
Annual bibliography of English language and literature (ABELL
Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLL)
Linguistic Bibliography Online
Book History Online
British Humanities Index
Proquest Dissertations and theses
Electronic theses online service (ETHOS)
Proquest Humanities Index
IIPA Full Text
ISI Web of Science
Literary index (Gale)

Literature Online

MLA international bibliography

Tekstsamlinger og utvalgte oppslagsverk
Britannica Academic
Project MUSE
Early English Books (EEBO)
Encyclopædia Britannica Online
Literature Online
Literature Resource Center Reference Information (Gale)
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Reference
Eighteenth Century Collections online
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
British National Corpus
COCA Corpus of American Contemporary English
COHA Corpus of Historical American English
GloWbE Corpus of Global Web-based English
LEXCMI (Dante)
Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse
Bibliotekskataloger, internasjonale
British Library Integrated catalogue
COPAC Union catalogue UK
Library of Congress
National Library of Australia
National Library of Canada
National Library of Ireland
National Library of New Zealand
National Library of  Scotland
National Library of Wales
Bibliotekskataloger, skandinaviske
DUO fagets hoved- og masteroppgaver i fulltekst
HK1 (Katalog over utenlandsk litteratur i UHS før 1966)
National Library of Norway Danish catalogue. Books, journals, articles
LIBRIS  Swedish catalogue. Books, journals


Publisert 23. sep. 2010 15:50 - Sist endret 23. mai 2019 12:06