Heroes and Sacrifice in the Ancient World

A lecture series with Valentina Zanusso (Rome) & Nicoletta Canzio (Cassino)

Tuesday 25 April 2017 ⋅ Seminar “Ancient Literature in Translation” (ANT2700/4700)

Heroes and Sacrifice in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Blindern Campus, Georg Morgenstiernes Hus, room n. 152

10:15–11:00  Valentina Zanusso: Folkloric Motives and Literary References in Ovid’s Birth of Heracles (Met. 9.281–323)

11:00–11:15  Break

11:15–12:00  Nicoletta Canzio: "‘Tis the Daughter of Priam and not a Captive Who Asks it": Polyxena’s Episode in Ovid’s Metamorphoses (13.439–480)

Wednesday 26 April 2017 ⋅ Research Seminar

The Greek Theatre and Human Sacrifice: On and Off Stage

Blindern Campus, Georg Morgenstiernes Hus, room n. 206

9:30-9:45      Silvio Bär: Introduction

9:45-10:45    Valentina Zanusso: Iphigeneia Beyond the Stage: The Development of the Myth from Euripides to Dictys Cretensis

10:45-11:00  Break

11:00-12:00  Nicoletta Canzio: "I Shall Be Always Called ‘Maiden": Some Considerations about Polyxena’s Fate on and off Stage

Both arrangements are open to the general public, and all Greek and Latin texts will be accompa- nied by an English translation.

Contact: Prof. Silvio Bär (silvio.baer@ifikk.uio.no)


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Publisert 22. mars 2017 16:58 - Sist endret 22. mars 2017 17:00