Fixing for Future

Nordic perspectives on product repair 

Bildet kan inneholde: gjøre, dingser, plakat, grafikk, reklame.

Fixing for Future – Nordic perspectives on product repair will take place at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, (UiO) on the 18-19 November 2021.

How can we build sustainability into our rapidly evolving world of technology? Social and environmental concerns, as the result of unsustainable production and consumption, have renewed focus on how to extend the lifespan of products through repair.

Fixing for Future is a symposium and transformative repair workshop, exploring the complexities surrounding product repair in a Nordic context. Confirmed keynote speakers and presenters from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, from academia, industry, and other fields of practice, will contribute with research, experiences, and debate. The symposium will be opened by Mette Halskov Hansen, UiO’s Vice-Rector for Climate & the Environment and Cross-Disciplinarity. Keynote speakers are Dr. Sarah Cornell from the Stockholm Resilience Centre and Dr. İdil Gaziulusoy from Aalto University, Finland. The symposium is hosted by Beate Sjåfjell from the Dept. of Private Law and Maja van der Velden from the Dept. of Informatics, both UiO.

Thematically, the symposium is structured around four themes representing the four interacting modes regulating sustainable behaviour, together forming the regulatory ecology of repair.

  • Markets and Business Models: market and business models for repair.
  • Laws and Labels: existing and proposed policies and regulation in the Nordics; the Right to Repair movement.
  • Social Norms and Practices: perspectives by repair practitioners and consumers
  • Design and Materials: design for sustainability and repairability

We are also excited to host a Transformative Repair workshopin which we collaborate with Oslo-based architect and upcycler Jürgen Breiter. If you are a passionate advocate of repair for sustainability and upcycling, this is not to be missed!

This hybrid digital-physical event is part of two interdisciplinary research projects implemented by the Department of Private Law and the Department of Informatics: Futuring Sustainable Nordic Business Models and Circular Energy for a Sustainable Circular Economy.

The full programme will be published in October – be sure to follow us on our social media accounts to stay up to date.

The symposium offers free and full digital participation to the public. The webinar link and programme will be posted on

For more information, contact Eleanor Johnson

Emneord: repair, upcycling, business models, sustainability
Publisert 2. nov. 2021 11:12 - Sist endret 3. juli 2023 11:52