Poetry reading and conversation with Hiromi Itô and her translators

Welcome to an informal conversation between Hiromi Itô, one of the most prominent women writers of contemporary Japan, and her translators. Itô will also be reading her poetry.

Bokcover og portrett av forfatteren

Bokcover "Ete, pule, drite, føde, drepe, blø", Forlaget H//O//F. Portrett Hiromi Itô: Kitamori Yoshinori

You don't want to miss this opportunity to experience Hiromi Itô read her poetry in the small, intimate Literary Salon at the library! After the reading there will be an informal conversation between Itō and two of her translators, Jon L. Pitt and Ika Kaminka.


About the author and her translators

Hiromi Itō is one of the most prominent women writers of contemporary Japan, with more than a dozen collections of poetry, several works of prose, numerous books of essays, and several major literary prizes to her name. 

Jon L Pitt, Assistant Professor, East Asian Studies at the University of California, Irvine, has translated Hiromi Ito's poem "Ikiteiru ki to shindeiku ki" from Kodama kusadama into English – “Living Trees and Dying Trees" (2020).

Ika Kaminka, freelance translator based in Oslo, has translated many works by Hiromi Ito, among which are: «Ete, pule, drite, føde, drepe, blø» (2016) and "Eg er Anjuhimeko" (2017). She is currently translating Ito’s "Togenuki Sugamo-jiz­o-engi".


Publisert 7. juni 2022 17:18 - Sist endret 8. juni 2022 16:19