Russian student magazine DOXA - Student Peace Prize winner 2023

DOXA is an online student-led magazine founded in 2017 that focuses on topics related to academia, but has also reported on the political persecution suffered by students in the country and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. DOXA is this year's winner of the Norwegian Student Peace Prize.

Portrett av prisvinnerne

The Peace Prize Committee has, on behalf of all Norwegian students, decided that the Student Peace Prize of 2023 goes to DOXA Magazine for their work for free expression and press in Russia.

DOXA is awarded the Student Peace Prize 2023 for their courageous work exposing corruption and sexual harassment at universities, documenting state persecution, and fighting government disinformation. The prize is awarded on behalf of all Norwegian students and is a collaboration between The International Student Festival in Trondheim (SFiT), The solidarity organization of students and academics in Norway (SAIH) and The National Union of Students in Norway (NSO).

DOXA’s work highlights the importance of not cutting ties with critical actors living under authoritarianism, who need to know their opposition is recognized, and who will be essential to the reconstruction of a free and democratic society in the future. Read more about the Student Peace Prize and DOXA here. 

Today's event will shed light on DOXAs work and the human right situation within Russia.



Opening remarks by professor Geir Flikke, University of Oslo

Presentation of Prize recipients, Mathea Mohn, Student Peace Prize

Conversation with DOXA editors led by Tora Naterstad, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)

Panel debate: Civic Rights in Russia in a Time of War

The event takes place at Scene HumSam in Georg Sverdrups hus at Blindern campus.

Open to all. Welcome!

Publisert 16. jan. 2023 12:49 - Sist endret 18. jan. 2023 11:28