English Literature (ENG4391) - Library Orientation - master

For your ENG4391 thesis course you are required to write an academic paper on a chosen topic. Advanced research skills are needed to identify, locate, access, evaluate and use relevant material and sources for your thesis.

The primary purpose of this library orientation class is to help you improve your research skills in order to get the most out of the library resources, and to get a head start on your own research.

Having identified a research question or thesis statement is an advantage in order to benefit fully from this class.

Learning outcome

This class will enable you to:

  • Perform advanced searches in Oria using and combining subject terms
  • Choose, access and search relevant databases for your topic
  • Design and carry out the appropriate search strategy for your project
  • Use web-based library resources for academic writing, citing and referencing
  • Navigate all library resources (physical and digital) in order to find relevant material.


This two hour seminar (2 X 45 min) is held in an electronic classroom with full computer access located in the library (Georg Sverdrups Hus). The class consists of mini-lectures, demonstrations, exercises related to your projects, and group discussions.

Target audience

The class is targeted at students taking ENG4391 who are in the process of writing their master theses.


This class is an integrated part of the ENG4391 thesis course, and attendance is mandatory.


Subject Specialist Librarian Randi Cathinka Neverdal

Tid og sted

Kurset holdes i samarbeid med faglærer. Etter avtale.


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Publisert 28. sep. 2011 12:46 - Sist endret 15. feb. 2024 13:15