
Publisert 4. des. 2017 12:38

Digital Humanities Clinics, winner of this year's LIBER Innovation Award, is a free Dutch training program for library staff. We attended one of the five workshop days of the program. This fascinating day focused on audiovisual library materials, and introduced GIS, audiovisual platforms, as well as Computer Vision.

Publisert 30. nov. 2017 17:54

In November 2017, we attended a conference built around the intriguing term BIG VIDEO. For the Visual Navigation Project, this conference provided rich inspiration for integrating contextual video materials in collection-exploration tools.

Publisert 20. juli 2017 18:26

In May, 2017, the Visual Navigation Project created a touch table application for the Abel Prize award ceremony taking place that month. This post describes the ideas behind this application, and how it was used during its five week deployment in the UiO Science Library.

Publisert 22. juni 2017 15:27

On the first day of the VIRAK conference, the Visual Navigation Group hosted a workshop called "Inspirational Journeys – challenges and solutions for visual navigation of library resources". The objective of this workshop was to foster interactive discussions about how users can explore and interact with library materials. We had two distinguished guests from North Carolina State University, Mike Nutt and Walt Gurley, who showed us how libraries can look and function if you push visualization to its limits.

Publisert 17. mars 2017 12:51

On the 8th of March, an exclusive pre-screening of the movie “Hidden Figures” took place in the Science Library. Surrounding this event, we created and installed a touch table application within the library space, focusing on movie fragments, contextual information and related books.

To obtain insights into the actual use of this application, we gathered basic statistics. These statistics can help us to improve the application, to understand user behavior with respect to touch tables, and for future developments of novel applications in the physical library space. This post summarizes our findings, based on the first two weeks in which the touch table was installed in the library.

Publisert 7. mars 2017 12:26

On the 8th of March, an exclusive pre-screening of the movie Hidden Figures takes place at the Science Library of the University of Oslo. To support this exciting event, we have designed an application for our touch table, now residing in an exhibition in the Science Library. This post outlines some of our experiences during the development and design of this application.

Publisert 26. jan. 2017 15:40

Touch tables can be a highly valuable addition to academic libraries, for instance to visualize a library's collection. In the Visual Navigation Project, we explored the needs and possibilities associated with touch tables. To discuss ideas with respect to innovative touch table use, we organized two brainstorm sessions, together with a Master student in Interaction Design.

Publisert 6. jan. 2017 15:17

How can touch tables be used in a library setting? Well, for example to present a part of the library's collection. In the Visual Navigation Project, and in collaboration with the Department of Informatics, we are exploring potential uses of touch tables.

Publisert 11. nov. 2016 13:55

Crowdsourcing is increasingly popular as a way to enrich the (meta)data of cultural heritage institutions, but also to increase audience engagement with heritage collections. On the 31st of October, we attended a workshop entitled Two birds, one stone: Bridging cultural heritage collections with crowds and niches, organized at the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision. Various experts and researchers showed both the value and caveats of using crowdsourcing in an institutional setting.

Publisert 9. nov. 2016 18:57

Since January 2015, academic libraries in Norway are making use of Oria, a catalog based on the ExLibris Primo software. Within Oria, various user actions, such as searches and clicks on search filters are captured over time, and statistical data can be accessed via Primo Analytics. This wealth of data provides new opportunities to analyze user interaction with current library catalogs, and to potentially improve the access to library collections.

In an exploratory study within the Visual Navigation Project, we have analyzed the log data available of the library catalog of the University of Oslo. In particular, we looked at two datasets: the most popular queries (between January 2015 and September 2016), and the “zero-result” queries, i.e. the queries for which searches did not get any results (between August 2015 and September 2016).