Week 21

Keywords: Library Carpentry Workshop, Proposals for VIRAK, Mapping Activities


This week, some of the project members were involved in organizing two Library Carpentry workshops at the University of Oslo. Furthermore, this week involved working on papers, VIRAK proposals and some technical infrastructure mapping activities, together with Digital Services.

Specific activities, including

Organizing Library Carpentry (part of Research Bazaar), 2-3 Feb (Trude, Elin, Fredrik, Kyrre, Hugo, Dan Michael, ..)

  • Dan Michael and Hugo prepared adapted “shell (scriptotek.github.io/library-shell/)” library carpentry module, Kyrre the “databases” module-Collaboration for “OpenRefine” and “Data introduction for librarians” modules, prepared and presented by Ahmed and Fredrik

Write paper for ‘Supporting Complex Work Tasks’ workshop at CHIIR conference, Oslo, March 2017 (Hugo)

  • Premise: how can search systems be more supportive for users’ complex search tasks, both in a web and book search context. To achieve this, we both need a better understanding of evolving user needs during different stages of information seeking, but also of the value that search user interface features offer during the process. This paper provides a framework for determining the value of features, and for choosing the right features for the right stage of the process (for instance, word clouds and query suggestions are mainly useful in early, exploratory, stages of complex information seeking tasks).
Publisert 10. feb. 2017 14:24 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2022 13:54