Week 50-51

Keywords: NORIL paper, Oria, RAW Graphs, collection explorer interface


These two weeks, work in the project involved the writing of a full journal paper for the VIRAK conference, and the “visual navigation” prototypes were developed further.

Specific meetings, including:

  • Presentation of project and visual navigation demos to HiOA LIS students (Dan Michael, Kyrre).

Specific activities, including:

  • Work on NORIL paper (Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education), based on our VIRAK presentation (Hugo, Mikaela, Dan Michael)
    • Literature review
    • Find out how to customize Oria “ranking” of results
    • Visualize findings in new ways using RAW Graphs , see figures below
  • Further work on collection explorer interface (Hugo, Dan Michael)
Figure: Alluvial diagram, depicting the relation between intended resource, query type and the query top 50. The size of the lines represent the number of issued searches corresponding to a query.
Figure: Alluvial diagram of intended resource and query type (if derivable) of all 50 analyzed zero result queries. The size of the lines represent the number of issued searches corresponding to a query. Queries longer than 50 characters are abbreviated.


Publisert 22. sep. 2017 10:35 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39