Week 52

Keywords: NORIL paper, collection explorer interface, touch table workshop


This week, a journal paper written within the Visual Navigation Project context was submitted, as well as further explorations and planning of a future touch table app creation workshop.

Specific activities, including:

  • Submission of NORIL paper (Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education), based on our VIRAK presentation (Hugo, Mikaela, Dan Michael)

  • Further work on the collection explorer interface.

  • Planning a workshop in November on the use of touch tables in libraries. In various contexts (e.g. the VIRAK workshop), there was interest in developing custom touch screen applications. Using our previous work, we plan to organize a workshop on creating these types of applications. The planned date for this workshop is Monday November 20 this year; we are aiming to invite an expert on the matter from the Netherlands.

  • An abstract, related to the use of interactive video in academic libraries and research, written by Hugo, was accepted to the Big Video Sprint mini-conference. This will take place in Aalborg, Denmark (22-24 November 2017).

Figure 9. Proportional evolution of Oria query top 15 over time (green queries: successful, orange queries: unknown, red queries: unsuccessful)
Publisert 22. sep. 2017 10:55 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39