Week 53

Keywords: Sci-fi community building, INF2260 projects, Oria redesign, project meeting

Kilde: Coulorbox.com


This week, meetings with INF2260 students took place, looking at Oria improvements and SciFi community building. Furthermore, all project members participated in a project update and planning meeting.

Specific meetings, including:

  • Meeting with INF2260 student group 1 (“SciFi community building”)
    • Pitch of three ideas:
      • “A World without Sci-Fi”
        • Make clear what a world looks like without Sci Fi.
        • Target group: people familiar w/library, not with the collection
        • Function: tech labyrinth, make choices (“paradise” game) - “step on answer” (pressure sensors, programmed path), gamification, use of videos
          • Trace developments to books, present in new way, generate interest, entertain
      • “Take library to a galaxy far away”
        • Pop-up library.
        • Target: non-users of library
        • Function: info via digital installation (showroom). Generate analytics, e.g. eye tracking
          • Gather data for library to understand users better
      • “Sci-Fi Express”’
        • Sharing concept, “boxes” with books put in different places. People can take books and read them, and leave them in another box. Visualization and community-building.
        • Target: users of library interested in sci-fi (potentially also non-users)
        • Function: book banks, box with info screen, unlock mechanism (Arduino-based, they have experience with it). Can build on previous experience with pop-up library system.
    • Since the second option (pop-up library) was already done by the Science Library, the students will further work on option 1 and 3, and choose between them.
  • Planning the Biokonferansen touch table app (Hugo, Kirsten)
    • Creating an application for the BIO-konferansen 2017 , deciding on theme (symbiosis) and content
  • Meeting with INF2260 student group 2 (“Oria redesign”)
    • Conducted interviews with 8-9 students (BA/MA)
      • Will provide us with their feedback on Oria
    • Will test using eye tracker
    • Pitch of four ideas
      • “New UI”: changes (UiO or specifically for Science Lib)
      • “Interactive Map”: “be in the library”
      • “Detail view”: have gotten feedback on detail view Oria, experiment with placement and sizing
      • “New functionality exploration”: allow for new strategies to search literature
    • Will likely go for 1st or 3rd proposed idea
  • Explore touch screen options (Hugo, Kyrre)
    • Determine which touch screens could serve as a replacement or extension of our touch table
  • Project meeting (Live, Helge, Nina, Hugo, Dan Michael, Kyrre)
    • Update on ongoing work over Summer
      • Prototype development, logging Oria statistics, INF2260 projects, shareable applications, emnesok issues
    • Planning update
      • Dissemination and outreach (organizing a workshop), exploration prototypes, supporting INF2260 projects, infrastructure
    • Project budget discussion
      • Possibilities for additional touch screens
      • Perhaps go for tilted touch screen (or hang on wall)
  • Tech and workshop planning meeting (Kyrre, Hugo, Dan Michael)
    • Planning the preparations for the touch screen app creation workshop on 20 November



Publisert 9. okt. 2017 15:29 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39