Week 56-57

Keywords: Visit from Norsk biblioteksforening, Scifi collection projects, Oria

Figure: new movable and tiltable touch screen for testing in the Visual Navigation Project.


These two weeks, various dissemination activities took place, including a visit of members from Norsk Bibliotekforening, to which we presented the project, and a presentation at the “Alexandria” workshop in Germany. Moreover, we collaborated with Bachelor students Interaction Design focusing on the SciFi collection and new designs for the Oria systems.

Specific meetings, including:

  • Visit from Norsk Bibliotekforening, presenting the Visual Navigation Project (Hugo)
    • Presentation is available here.
  • Discussing BIO-conference app and options for a new touch screen (Dan Michael, Hugo, Kyrre)
    • Chosen touch screen: Philips 43BDL4051T/00 (43 inch), in combination with a tiltable and movable mount (Peerless-AV SmartMount).
    • These were delivered the following week (see figure)
  • Discussing preparations XIMPEL workshop (Dan Michael, Hugo, Kyrre)
  • Overview of IT systems at UBO: update and maybe finalize (Andrea, Ahmed, Hugo)
    • Continuing on earlier giga-mapping efforts
    • Choosing an online mapping tool
  • Meeting INF2260 students
    • Presenting their ideas to us, as well as their prototype, co-developed with Kyrre. Their work can be followed via their project blog.
  • Project presentations INF2260
    • Oria project. Their presentation is available under “midtveispresentasjon” on the following page.
    • SciFi project: “Real Fiction”. Their presentation is available under “midtveispresentasjon” on the following page.
  • Skype meetings Winoe Bhikharie (in preparation for XIMPEL workshop on 20 November)

Specific activities, including:


Publisert 6. nov. 2017 15:43 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39