Week 60-61

Keywords: KNVI Year Congress - Dutch congress for information professionals, Touch App workshop, XIMPEL

Hugo presenting at the Dutch congress


These two weeks, we presented the Visual Navigation Project at a large Dutch congress for information professionals. Furthermore, we prepared a workshop about the creation of touch applications in a library context.

Specific meetings, including:

  • Meeting at Dutch NIOD library about presentation at Dutch congress for information professionals.
  • Meeting w/Winoe Bhikharie, Anton Eliens, Melvin Roest about Touch App workshop / XIMPEL
  • Meeting w/Jon from Uni. Agder Library, presenting / discussing Visual Navigation Project
  • Meeting w/Benjamin from Oria INF2260 project group, focusing on new Oria interface
  • Touch App workshop preparation meeting w/Dan Michael & Kyrre

Specific activities, including:


Publisert 8. des. 2017 09:13 - Sist endret 24. juni 2019 10:56