Week 2-3

Keywords: Barcelona Study Trip, Project Infrastructure

Bilde: Hugo Huurdeman

In the second week of the project, the Science Library was on a study tour to Barcelona, and more introductory meetings with library staff took place. We also started creating the project website (which will appear under http://www.ub.uio.no/om/prosjekter when published), devised an initial communication strategy for the project, and created a Google Drive with project documents. Furthermore, Hugo has discussed with different project members what would be the envisioned outcomes of the project, as well as the target audience. A list of possible focal points for the project is being prepared, of which the most promising options can be chosen in a joint project meeting.

Specific Activities

Study Tour to Barcelona (13-16 Sept.), Science Library

Creating project infrastructure

  • Setting up a Google Drive to share project meetings (will be shared with project members on coming Monday)
  • Includes project documentation; administration documents (weekly reports, planning), minutes of meetings, presentations
  • Setting up the communication strategy (meeting with Mikaela)
  • Mikaela created the first version of the project website at http://www.ub.uio.no/om/prosjekter (now only visible in admistration mode). It will contain: the homepage with project member details; news page; a page with progress reports; and a contact page. Adding “about”, “team” and “presentations” pages at a later stage
  • To create initial content to share on the website, Hugo is planning to create some initial news items for the website, including a review of previous “visual book navigation” projects, which we may be able to build on
  • A Twitter account has been created (www.twitter.com/BookNavigation) and included on the project’s homepage for communicating project related news and activities


Publisert 22. sep. 2016 13:14 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39