Week 04

Keywords: Analytics of Oria, Brainstorm Sessions

Bilde: Hugo Huurdeman

In the fourth week of the project, we worked on gaining a better understanding of the current use of library interfaces (Oria and the subject search application). We gained access to the analytics of Oria and started to analyze them, as well as the use of the subject search application. Furthermore, two initial brainstorm sessions were organized (more to follow), where different people discussed potential avenues for the project, as well as their limitations and opportunities.

Specific Activities

  • Analysis of “digital” usage of current library applications:
    • Gaining insights into Oria statistics, via Primo Analytics. Various insights can be gained using the data, especially about “failed queries”, i.e. queries in Oria which produce no results. Using the data, we may find out why these queries failed, and how we can improve support for them.
    • Some other important things to get from the statistics would be the characteristics of user sessions (total session duration, which queries did they perform, which results did they click, which filters/facets did they use and how often, which articles/books did they open or reserve, etc). There are a lot of interesting things that can be done with those sessions (e.g. investigating query reformulation patterns, identifying common issues when using Oria). However, it is not sure if we can derive this data from Primo Analytics. Further investigation next week. (At a later stage, Hugo may help in analyzing Alma statistics as well -- it uses a similar analytics system).
  • Using Google Analytics, the usage of the emnesøk application will be analyzed (this week access was gained, next week the actual analysis will take place).
Publisert 3. okt. 2016 11:02 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39