Week 10

Keywords: Website updates, Primo and Alma analytics



This week, we discussed the progress and future activities of the Visual Navigation project in a meeting with the whole project team. This led to some changes in emphasis in the project description, including more integration of the project in the whole university library. Also, we enhanced the website, updating its content and adding project descriptions and reports. Meetings in and outside of the university library led to more insights into a book navigation improvement project running at a major publisher, as well as more insights into the particularities of data available via Primo and Alma Analytics.

Specific activities

  • We updated the website with a project description (derived from the project proposal), wrote a full report for the Oria analysis and added a short summary of a crowdsourcing workshop
  • Revising the project proposal (see project description for a summarized version)
  • “Spreading the word”. E-mail to whole Realfagsbiblioteket informing about the project (website). Following people on Twitter (create Facebook account as well?)

Meetings, including

  • Digital services (Hugo, Ahmed)
  • Discussing Oria analysis and showing presentation
  • Regarding sensitivity to spelling mistakes, there may be a possibility to turn on autocomplete in the library catalog. It has to be tested in the “sandbox” environment
  • Caveat: “harry potter” was (also) often used as a test query
  • Will check why number of results in testing (sandbox) catalog is different than production catalog
  • He would be interested in knowing the general oria statistics, as well as how often e.g. advanced search is used
  • The findings are useful for the whole Oria consortium, suggestion to present it at a conference (e.g. bibsys-konferansen 2017 [likely too late since program is already defined], or VIRAK conference).


Elsevier ScienceDirect, person responsible for 40.000 books (9.11.16)

  • Most people come in via Google, not via library catalogs (for articles, 95% of the visitors come via Google, 70% for books)
  • They are also engaged in rethinking support for books search
  • Now limited: via keywords, or via categories, leading to an alphabetical list of materials (including many old books))
  • See how to engage people in using sciencedirect more/longer for books. Starting up a project, for about a year, now doing user studies (what do people expect from the database, how can it be improved). Interviewed people at VU university library; they are rarely using the library catalogs. Discussing the issues of “new” books - libraries have subscriptions to books in a certain field - during the years there are updates (books are added via a MARC update), but it is hard to find out which exactly (both for librarians and end users).
  • Just showing a list of “new books” will probably not suffice.
  • Currently classifying with an internal classification (internal taxonomy created by experts).

Contact again in 2-3 months with update from both sides.


General project meeting

  • Short presentation Hugo: Project Progress
  • Reorganizing the project proposal- adjusting order, responsibilities, potential extension towards research articles (Cristin)
  • Importance of being inclusive - not just Science and Medical Library are stakeholders in the projects
  • Touch table
  • Organizing transport for acquired touch table
  • Student project involving touch table could be presented in a (shared) personalmøte, to be organized (end presentations students 24 Nov.)
  • Possibility to keep the students involved
  • Investigate possibility of organizing workshop before VIRAK conference
  • Available budgets, assessing what to spend them on
  • Next group meeting: upon request, if important issues come up or after a certain time period


Publisert 14. nov. 2016 13:24 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39