Week 11

Keywords: Mockups, Touch Table, Students Prototype


Bilde: Hugo Huurdeman


This week, we started to evaluate how current applications (e.g. subject search) can be extended and improved at a practical level, including the underlying infrastructure. Furthermore we started to create design mockups for book navigation, which will continue in the following weeks. Finally, a touch table (originating from the Informatics department) was brought to the Science Library, and informatics students (interaksjonsdesign) tested a prototype application aimed at increasing engagement with the Science Fiction collection of the library.

Specific activities

  • Configuring previously developed applications (e.g. subject search) to work with Hugo’s PC configuration, to initiate prototype designing and testing; discussing infrastructure extensions and enrichments (Hugo, Dan Michael)

  • Creating designs and mockups of book navigation and visualization options

  • (INF2260 students, Kyrre, Hugo, Yaron, Espen) Transporting touch table and getting it to work with the students’ prototype application

  • Planning various meetings, invitations to present

  • Presentation query analysis Hugo at meeting BIBSYS Working Group (Norway-7 dec)

  • Presentation Vis. Nav. project by Dan Michael, Hugo at meeting project Mapping to Norwegian WebDewey (7 dec); discussing connection points

  • Presentation query analysis Hugo at Alma / Oria information meeting UiO (8 dec)

  • Create news item about touch table evaluation

Meetings, including

Meeting Hugo, Knut

Meeting students INF2260, Espen, Kyrre, Hugo; testing touch table, exchanging touch table (16.11.16)

  • Getting the touch table to work (software/hardware); exchanging the computer inside
  • Testing the application developed by the student


Publisert 21. nov. 2016 08:48 - Sist endret 18. feb. 2022 17:31