Norwegian version of this page

Courses for students, staff and PhD students

Join one of our free and open courses! The courses are tailored to students, staff and PhD students at UiO and OUS, but are open to all interested parties.

Academic writing

Target audience: PhD students and Postdocs
Tags: Writing and citing
Upcoming courses

 Carpentry: Training on foundational coding and data science skills

Target audience: Students, researchers and programmers
Tags: Coding
Upcoming courses

Critical appraisal of articles

Target audience: PhD students, master students and other interested in the topic
Tags: Source evaluation
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Human body, Rectangle, Slope, Gesture, Art.EndNote reference management tool

Target audience: International researchers, staff and students
Tags: Writing and citing, Tools
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.Finn oppsummert kunnskap som gir deg raske svar i klinisk praksis

Target audience: Students, healthcare professionals and staff
Tags: Literature searching
Upcoming courses (in Norwegian)

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.Interdisciplinary tools : Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar

Target audience: PhD students, master students and staff
Tags: Literature searching
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.Litteraturoppgaver i medisin og helsefag

Target audience: students
Tags: Literature searching
Go to Canvas (course is in Norwegian)

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.Litteratursøk i medisinske databaser

Target audience: students
Tags: Literature searching
Go to Canvas (course is in Norwegian)

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.Medline, Embase, PsycInfo (OVID) : Efficient searching for journal articles

Target audience: PhD students, master students and staff
Tags: Literature searching
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.Methods and tools for better search techniques

Target audience: PhD students and researchers
Tags: Literature searching, Tools
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Plant, Twig, Tree, Art, Tints and shades.NVivo for Qualitative Analysis

Target audience: Students and staff
Tags: Tools
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Gesture, Font, Art, Symmetry, Pattern.Open and reproducible research

Target audience: PhD students, postdocs, researchers, and research support staff
Tags: Open science
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.PubMed : Efficient searching for journal articles

Target audience: International researchers, staff and students
Tags: Literature searching
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Art, Font, Circle, Pattern, Drawing.Research data

Target audience: PhD students, postdocs, researchers, and research support staff
Tags: Research data
Upcoming courses

Semester start with the Library

Target audience: New students
Tags: Start of studies
Go to Canvas

Sources and referencing

Target audience: International researchers, staff and students
Tags: Writing and citing, Source evaluation
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Symbol, Logo, Drawing.Systematic literature searching for medicine and health

Target audience: Students and researchers within medicine and health sciences
Tags: Literature searching
Upcoming courses

 Text mining

Target audience: PhD students and staff
Tags: Text mining, Tools
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Plant, Twig, Tree, Art, Tints and shades.Transkribus: AI-powered text recognition of historical documents

Target auduence: PhD students and staff
Stikkord: Artificial intelligence
Upcoming courses

Image may contain: Human body, Rectangle, Slope, Gesture, Art.Zotero reference management tool

Target audience: International researchers, staff and students
Tags: Writing and citing, Tools
Upcoming courses