Plan your research data management

In this half-day course in research data management module 1, participants will gain insight into planning for data storage, organization and documentation and working with Data Management Plans.

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Course presentation


Good research data management is increasingly important for researchers from all disciplines: it helps to keep data organized and secure, contributes to better quality of research data and makes data sharing and reuse possible. But what exactly is research data management? How can researchers implement good data management practices and comply with the requirements from funders and institutions? 

In this 3-hour course we will introduce the main aspects of research data management during the active phase of a research project (i.e. while the project is ongoing), including data organization, documentation, classification and storage, as well as creating a data management plan (DMP) to keep a good overview of all these activities. 

In the course, the lectures will be accompanied by practical exercises and there will be opportunities to ask questions. Please note that we assume no or very little previous knowledge on the topic as this is a beginner’s course.

Would you like to register for module 2 on data sharing, archiving and reuse? More information here.

Target Audience

Primarily PhD students, postdocs, researchers, and research support staff at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital. External participants are welcome to attend as long as there are free spots left. 

Learning Objectives

 After the course, you:

  • know what research data management is and why it is important
  • are familiar with the main components and best practices of writing a data management plan (DMP)
  • know about data organization and documentation practices
  • are familiar with UiO’s data classification and storage guides


Elisa Pierfederici, Ivana Malovic

Tags: Research data management, Data organization, Data documentation, Data classification, Data storage, Data types, Data Management Plans
Published Jan. 23, 2024 7:57 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2024 1:16 PM