Share, archive, and reuse research data

In this half-day course in research data management module 2, participants will gain insight into the potential in archiving and reusing research data in line with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible Interoperable, Reusable) principles.  

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Course presentation


The course will provide an introduction to the FAIR principles and data sharing requirements. Participants will also become familiar with the use of persistent identifiers, licenses, metadata standards, research data archives, and research data search services. Furthermore, we will cover parts of the copyright legislation that are relevant to the sharing and reuse of research data. 

The course will consist of a combination of tasks and lectures, allowing for discussions on participants' own data as well as any challenges or opportunities related to data sharing. 

Would you like to register for module 1 Plan your research data management? More information here.

Target Audience

Researchers at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital. External researchers are also welcome. 

Learning Objectives

The participant has: 

  • knowledge of political and practical aspects of open data and FAIR data. 
  • basic knowledge of licenses and rights when sharing and reusing research data. 
  • basic knowledge of widely used metadata standards and interoperability principles for research data. 
  • good knowledge of different types of archives or repositories for research data and archiving and searching in these. 

The participant is able to:  

  • archive research data in line with applicable requirements and recommendations. 
  • document and describe research data for to retrieval and reuse. 
  • find and evaluate research data for reuse . 
  • choose suitable licenses for your own research data and understand which restrains different licenses give for reuse and further sharing of research data. 


Live Kvale, Ivana Malovic, Heidi Konestabo


Tags: Research data management, Data sharing, DataverseNO, Research data curation
Published Jan. 18, 2024 12:53 PM - Last modified July 30, 2024 1:38 PM