Data classification and storage selection

Have you classified your research data yet? And are they stored in a safe place at UiO?

Are you uncertain of where you can safely store your data at UiO? In this course we will introduce you to the UiO Classification- and Data Storage guides. Learn about potential restrictions that might apply to your research data, and which storage and processing services are available to you.  

We will wrap up with a question and answer session where you will be able to ask us any questions you have about data classification and storage.


Target Audience

Early career researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Learning Objectives

After the workshop, you:

  • are familiar with the various classes of data and information that UiO operates with
  • are able to assess which class data and information you are responsible for belong to
  • are familiar with which UiO services are available for storing and processing data and information that you hold

The course will take place on Zoom and is delivered by The University of Oslo Library – as part of the Skills Development Project for data management funded by the Advisory council for e-infrastrukture

Course materials


Image credits: If nothing else is indicated, images are taken from


Elin Stangeland (project manager)
Annika Rockenberger (course developer)

Published July 2, 2021 10:32 AM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2024 11:01 AM