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How to find and access electronic articles

How to get access to open articles

How to get access to articles that UiO does not subscribe to

Update 18.03.19: The University Library is currently implementing a service for ordering articles. The service will be integrated in the Oria library search. When you order an article it will be sent directly to your email address within a short amount of time. The cost of these article purchases will be covered by the library. The service will be turned on when Elsevier remove access to 1,900 journals in the "Freedom collection".

How to get access to open articles

1.    Search Oria

Search for an article in Oria, our library search. If UiO does not have access to the article, go to step 2.

2.    Search the Internet with plug-ins

Search for articles like you normally do and use browser “plug-ins” to show you where to find open accessible versions of an article. You will need to download and install the plug-ins in your web browser.

We recommend these tools (which cover the most content):

Lean Library logoLean Library (for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Internet Explorer is coming soon.) 
The browser extension gives you access to digital content provided by UiO. The extension will also search for open accessible articles. Download and install from


Unpaywall logoUnpaywall (for Chrome and Firefox)
A plug-in that will take you to an open accessible version of the article you are searching for – if there is one. Download and install from


Open Access button logoOpen Access Button (works best with Chrome and Firefox)
A plug-in that will take you to an open accessible version of the article you are searching for – if there is one. In addition, you can contact the authors and ask them to archive the article to an open academic repository. Download and install from


Google Scholar Button (for Chrome and Firefox)
An extension that adds a browser button for easy access to Google Scholar from any web page. Search for the Google Scholar Button to find, download and install the extension.

3.    Contact the author or other researchers

Researchers will often share articles that are not open access between themselves (depending on the agreement with the publisher) - so called ‘scholarly sharing’. You can send the author an email or use the social networks for researchers – most are happy to share.

How to get access to articles that UiO does not subscribe to

4.    Contact the library

The Library can help in obtaining articles which are not available at UiO. Search for and order the article in Oria (, and we will get it for you - free of charge. If you need help ordering, see our Oria how to order help page.


Contact your library, or send an us e-mail to if you need any help or have any questions.


Published Dec. 12, 2018 9:21 AM - Last modified July 2, 2024 4:12 PM