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Open access at UiO

Strategy for open access

UiO has adopted a strategy for open access (2022). The strategy emphasizes that high-quality scientific knowledge must be both visible and accessible to be effective in social and working life, in education and in research.

Rights Retention Policy

UiO has adopted a rights retention policy. The policy shall strengthen the opportunity for employees and students to freely choose which channels they publish in, while at the same time the publications can be made openly available. The rights policy will ensure that UiO can comply with requirements for open access with the least possible administration for the individual researcher.

Open Access policy

UiOs Open Access policy (2011) is in accordance with the government's guidelines: all members of staff "shall undertake to do their best to ensure that scientific articles deposited into the institutional repository can be made openly available as soon as possible". The individual researcher at UiO has the following responsibility: "The researcher shall ensure that a full text version of all scientific articles is submitted to the institutional repository." Researchers submit their articles in Cristin, with transfer to DUO research archive.

Research funders requirements

For employees at the University of Oslo there are two main research financers with requirements pertaining Open Access. The Research Council of Norway and the EU require that publications which report research results which have been funded by them, must be published in open channels.

The Norwegian government’s goal is that all publicly funded Norwegian research articles should be made openly available by 2024, and the government has established guidelines and measures for open access to research articles.
Read the document National goals and guidelines for open access to research articles (PDF)

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Published Dec. 8, 2022 2:20 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2022 9:49 AM