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EndNote and Word

EndNote comes with a Cite While You Write plugin for Word. Use the EndNote tab in Word.


Screenshot of CWYW menu in Word on Windows.


Screenshot of CWYW menu in Word on Mac.



Insert Citation

  1. Place the cursor in the text where you want to insert a citation
  2. Insert Citation
  3. Search you library for the reference you want
  4. Click the Insert button

Insert Selected Citation(s)

  1. Go to EndNote and highlight the reference(s) you want
  2. Go to Word and place the cursor in the text where you want the citation
  3. Click on Insert Citation > Insert Selected Citation(s)

Edit citations

  1. Place the cursor at the citation you want to make changes to.
  2. Click on Edit & Manage Citation(s)
  3. In the dialog box you can make the following choices:
    • Text in the Prefix field comes before the citation.
    • Text in the Suffix field comes after the citation.
    • The Pages field is used for page numbers
    • Use Formatting to exclude author, year, or both from the parenthesis

If you notice typos or want to change information on a particular reference, you must edit the reference in your EndNote library.

Remove citations

Do not delete citations with Delete or Backspace as this may cause problems later. To remove a citation:

  1. Place the cursor at the citation you want to remove
  2. Click on Edit & Manage citation(s)
  3. Then click on Edit Reference > Remove Citation > OK

Output style in your document

Style: To change the reference style:

  1. Click the drop-down menu and select the style you want.
  2. If you do not find the desired style here, choose Select Another Style…
  3. If you do not find the style you are looking for, it can be downloaded from

Update Citations and Bibliography: Can be used if citations do not update automatically.

Windows: Update Citations and Bibliography
Mac: Bibliography > Update Citations and Bibliography

Convert to Plain Text: This feature removes the EndNote codes from the document and makes it a clean Word document. EndNote codes cannot be re-enabled.

Windows: Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text
Mac: Tools > Convert to Plain Text

More information about Output Styles.

Bibliography layout

Configure Bibliography: a dialog box with several options for customizing layout in the bibliography

Windows: Click the arrow in the corner next to where it says Bibliography
Mac: Click on Configure Bibliography

Layout: Use the Layout tab to change the look of the reference list. You can change the following items:

  • Font and size
  • Title of the bibliography
  • Indent
  • Single or double line spacing
  • Extra line spacing between references

Other changes must be done in the Output Style, see Editing Styles.

If you are unable to edit the bibliography the way you want with the Layout tab or in the Output style, you can edit it when you have finished the text, after using Convert to Plain Text.

Export Traveling Library from Word to EndNote

It is possible to retrieve EndNote references from someone else's Word document and copy them into your EndNote library.

In Word:

Windows: Export to EndNote > Export Traveling Library
Mac: Tools > Export Traveling Library

You can choose to add the references to an existing library or create a new library with them.

Published July 3, 2020 9:54 AM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2020 9:52 AM