Animals in changing landscapes: a bibliography of human-animal studies

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z  | Ø | Å

1988 Chasser le naturel. Paris: EHESS

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Abbink, Jon

2003 Love and Death of Cattle: The Paradox in Suri Attitudes toward Livestock. Ethnos 68: 341-364.

Abbott, Reginald

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Acampora, Ralph R.

1998 Extinction by Exhibition: Looking in and at the Zoo. Human Ecology Review 5: 1-4.

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2001 Real Animals? An Inquiry on Behalf of Relational Zoöntology. Human Ecology Review 8: 73-78.

2001 Representation Cubed: Reviewing Reflections on Animal Imagery. Society & Animals 9: 299-307.

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Adair, Holiday E

1995 The Correlation between Hunting and Crime: A Comment. Society & Animals 3.

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Adams, Carol J., and J. Donovan (eds.)

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Agamben, Giorgio

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1995 Valuing Species and Valuing Individuals. Environmental Ethics 17: 397-415.

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2005 Cultural Zoo: Animals in the Human Mind and Its Sublimations. Madison: International Universities Press

Akhtar, Salman, and Vamik Volkan (eds.)

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Alamichel, Marie-Françoise, and Josseline Bidard

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Alderson, Lawrence

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Alger, J. M., and S. F. Alger

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Allen, Michael

1998 Rodeo Cowboys in the North American Imagination. Reno: The University of Nevada Press

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Anderson, K.

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Anderson , Virginia DeJohn

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Archibald, Malcolm

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Arluke, A

1988 Sacrificial Symbolism in Animal Experimentation: Object or Pet? Anthrozoös 2: 98-117.

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2001 Children Who Supernurture Animals: A Call for Sociological (and Other) Study. Anthrozoös 14: 66-71.

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Publisert 12. mars 2008 10:26 - Sist endret 3. mai 2016 13:45