Workshop: Inspirational Journeys – Challenges and Solutions for Visual Navigation of Library Resources

The Visual Navigation Project welcomes you to a workshop at the VIRAK conference (June, 2017). The objective of this workshop is to foster interactive discussions about how users can explore and interact with library materials. The workshop consists of plenary presentations, opportunities for questions and discussions, as well as a chance to try out newly developed visual navigation tools. Read the workshop report here.

The workshop consists of two main parts. During the first part, a brief summary of the progress and outcomes of the Visual Navigation Project is presented. Next, a “hands-on” session allows participants to try out the prototypes resulting from the first year of the project. During this session, attendees can provide comments and write feedback notes, subsequently discussed in a plenary setting.

The second part of this workshop features an ‘intervention’, during which an outside expert on library search and visualization will present. We have invited Mike Nutt (Director of Visualization Services) and Walt Gurley (Visualization and Digital Media Librarian) from North Carolina State University Libraries in the United States, one of the most forward-thinking libraries in the world. They will present their views on innovative use of library services, and will briefly provide feedback on the project outcomes so far. This is followed by further discussions, with the aim of generating ideas on future avenues, not just for the Visual Navigation Project, but for innovative library services in general.

Details and registration: see the VIRAK conference website

Workshop Schedule

Part 1: Outcomes of the Visual Navigation Project (45 minutes)

13:00 Welcome (5 minutes). Helge Mjelde.

13:05 Intro to workshop aims & objectives. Presentation of Visual Navigation first year project outcomes, followed by an opportunity to ask questions (25 minutes). Hugo Huurdeman. Slides.

13:30 In the room, demos are set-up of various prototypes created in the Visual Navigation project, in different stands. Workshop participants can discuss these, write down comments and ideas on post-its with different colors. This is followed by a short plenary discussion of provided feedback (15 minutes). Hugo Huurdeman, Dan Michael Heggø, Kyrre Traavik Låberg.

Part 2: The Way Forward - Towards Novel Digital Library Services (45 minutes)

13:45 Intervention: "Visualization at North Carolina State University Libraries" (30 minutes). Slides. Mike Nutt and Walt Gurley.

Including brief feedback on the outcomes of the Visual Navigation Project’s first year.

14:15 “The way forward - future avenues for library services”. Plenary discussion (10 minutes).

14:25 Wrap-up and conclusion (5 minutes).


14:30 Coffee break: possibility to further try out the demos, and to take a look a the touch table in use at the Science Library.

Publisert 5. apr. 2017 12:44 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2022 13:41