Week 19

Keywords: Virak proposals, library carpentry, website updates

Illustrasjonsfoto: Colourbox.no


In this week, we worked on various updates for the content and structure of the Visual Navigation Project website, started working on proposals for the VIRAK conference, and refined visualizations made in the past weeks. Moreover, various meetings took place, including preparations for a “Library Carpentry” course, and a project progress presentation in a meeting at the Science Library.

Specific activities, including

  • Updating Visual Navigation Project website

    • Website edits (Mikaela, Hugo)

      • Restructure progress reports, add folders, images, introductions (ongoing)

      • Restructure content: move two longer news articles to new explorative studies section

      • Add short animation with visualization samples to news post book visualization

      • Ongoing: updating Norwegian project description on website (after a comment Marianne received about it being a bit “technical”)

  • Preparing proposals for VIRAK conference (June 2017)

    • Visual Navigation Project workshop

      • Two proposed parts: (1) Presentation of project outcomes, discussion of demo’s of tools, (2) Intervention (keynote) by expert on book search, group discussions.

    • Paper (likely about query analysis; or about Visual Navigation Project user studies so far)

    • Perhaps, Pecha Kucha talk

    • Digital Clip (Visual Navigation Project, INF2260 students, ..)

    • Drafts for each will be shared next week

  • Refinement of book visualizations made last week, including force-directed graph, and scatterplot visualizations (Hugo)

Publisert 23. jan. 2017 10:15 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:38