Week 37-40

Keywords: VIRAK conference, Library Carpentry workshop, Workshop: Inspirational Journeys – Challenges and Solutions for Visual Navigation of Library Resources, Digital Clips

Initial version of "project wall"


This weekly report summarizes four eventful project weeks, a period during which we were busy preparing for the VIRAK conference and a satellite workshop, organized various events and documented our work in the first ten months of the project.

Specific activities, including:

  • UB-dagen: presenting the Visual Navigation Project to new UiO employees
  • Syncing openrefine and visualization work for Library Carpentry workshop (Ahmed, Hugo)
  • Preparing Library Carpentry materials on visualization (Hugo, Dan Michael)
  • Trouble-shoot touch table at IFI for a presentation of Yaron’s Master project (Hugo, Yaron, also Kyrre)
  • Final exam Yaron about Master project (SciFi explorer). Kyrre and Hugo attend, and helped preparing the touch table at the informatics department of UiO.
  • Meeting about VIRAK query analysis presentation (Hugo, Dan Michael, Mikaela)
    • Discussing the presentation topics and slides
  • Final preparations Library Carpentry lessons and materials (Dan Michael, Ahmed, Hugo)

  • Workshop: Inspirational Journeys – Challenges and Solutions for Visual Navigation of Library Resources. Nominated for the VIRAK NYSKAPENDE-prisen for beste nyskapende faglige bidrag.
  • Shown Digital Clips at VIRAK Faglig Vorspiel
  • VIRAK Paper presentation: “More than Meets the Eye” –  Analyzing the Success of User Queries in Oria
  • VIRAK Pecha Kucha talk: “Science at a Touch” – Experiences with a Touch Table in the UiO Science Library
  • Presentation in VIRAK “Mapping” workshop ("Hva er potensialet i fellesløsninger for emnedata?")
  • Suggestions: Possibility to do project presentation for student course at HiOA, showing what’s possible with subject vocabularies
  • Open discussion with Mike and Walt
    • Discussing planned next areas of focus of the Visual Navigation Project
      • Personalization (RFID), library cards, books, materials
        • Tested in museum setting
      • Apps with curated content
      • Apps as a “filter” for the full collection
    • At NCSU, they make use of templates for visualizations, which could also be useful for us
    • They have a script which creates a schedule for visualizations shown in the Hunt Library each day
      • Possible to influence it
      • Possible to tell to people when their visualization is shown on a certain day
    • They regularly vary with which visualizations to show
      • Importance of showing (new) materials each day
      • Even though they develop most visualizations in-house, they also buy content from time to time (to have enough material to show variations)
    • Suggestions:
      • Potential use of application development frameworks to speed-up Development
      • Creating a selection menu for touch table apps. To show different things are shown on the touch table (not just one application)
      • Would it be possible to use Microsoft Surface applications / Windows 10 apps / touch screen apps to provide more variation in application content?
      • They heard that some people were a little confused about the relationship between what is shown on the (vertical) infoscreen, visible from a distance, and what’s on the (horizontal) touch table
    • The visualizations in the Hunt Library are mostly static, but some interactivity possible
      • Using mobile phone and “web sockets”
    • Specifics
      • Walt has workshop materials on using Tableau, will give us pointers
    • They liked how the space at the Science Library is organized (i.e. allmenningen), plus the new magnetic whiteboards. For them, the movable whiteboards in the Hunt Library were one of the most useful investments, almost continuously used.
  • Co-organizing a Library Carpentry workshop on data processing and visualization, see:
    • http://www.ub.uio.no/kurs-arrangement/kurs/enkeltstaende/bibsloid/tid-og-sted/170614.html
    • Course materials of visualization part of workshop (we are planning to further edit this and publish it online)
  • Interview with Hugo about the Visual Navigation Project by Sumit
  • Initial version of Visual Navigation “project wall” in Science Library (Hugo, Dan Michael)
  • Meeting for discussing touch table applications, demos and the use of the touch screens in HumSam (Mads, Dan Michael, Hugo)
Publisert 4. juli 2017 12:56 - Sist endret 26. apr. 2022 13:55