Week 62-63

Keywords: Touch App development workshop, BIGVIDEO conference, Digital Humanities clinic

Figure: Animated GIF of a VR annotation demo in the conference (Original)


The two last weeks of November, we carried out a workshop on touch table application development, presented at a conference on innovative use of video, attended a Digital Humanities clinic, and updated the project documentation.

Specific activities, including:

  • Organizing Touch App development workshop, Science Library (Hugo, Kyrre, Dan Michael, Winoe)
    • How to create touch screen applications to entice & engage library visitors?
    • This was the premise of the workshop organized by the Visual Navigation Project on 20 November 2017. In the workshop, participants gained experience with building touch applications using the XIMPEL framework.
    • Read the news item on the project website
  • Presenting at the BIGVIDEO conference in Aalborg, Denmark
    • In November 2017, we attended (and presented at) a conference built around the intriguing term BIG VIDEO.
    • For the Visual Navigation Project, this conference provided rich inspiration for integrating contextual video materials in collection-exploration tools.
    • Read the news item on the project website
  • Attending the DH Clinic for librarians about audiovisual materials
    • Digital Humanities Clinics, winner of this year's LIBER Innovation Award, is a free Dutch training program for library staff.
    • We attended one of the five workshop days of the program. This fascinating day focused on audiovisual library materials, and introduced GIS, audiovisual platforms, as well as Computer Vision.
    • Read the news item on the project website


Publisert 8. des. 2017 10:07 - Sist endret 18. des. 2018 12:39