Norwegian version of this page

Access vs. signing in

Everyone can search in Oria. If you are connected to the UiO or OUS network you will automatically have access to the electronic resources. Signing in to Oria means you can also order, renew loans and save your searches and search results.

Access to electronic resources

  • If you are connected to the UiO or OUS network, you automatically have access to the electronic resources.
  • Outside of the network, you will automatically be prompted to sign in with a UiO user when you click on a full-text link that requires this. More about Access outside UiO.
  • There is no need to click on the [Sign in] link, as this login is not related to having access to electronic resources.

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Signing in to Oria

Sign in to Oria in order to:

  • Order books and articles
  • Renew your loans
  • See your loans and orders, any outstanding fees and more in [My account]
  • Save your searches and search results in [My favorites]

Signing in does not give you access to electronic resources from home.

You sign in by clicking on the link [Sign in] on the right hand side of the top menu in Oria. This connects you to your user account in the library system.

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  • The sign in link is available other places in Oria as well.

Image may contain: Text, Font, Line.

Published Feb. 25, 2020 1:44 PM - Last modified Apr. 13, 2023 12:38 PM