

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Auditorium 2

How can we enhance library users' visual experience while searching for information, provide inspiration and increase the use of library resources? On the 15th of June 2018, members of the Visual Navigation Project will present the outcomes of the project during a breakfast meeting. Everyone is welcome! The program is available here []. We also wrote a detailed report of the meeting.

Tid og sted: , UiO, Niels Henrik Abels hus - Realfagsbiblotekets undervisningsrom 209

On the 20th of November, the Visual Navigation Project organizes a workshop about the creation of touch applications for libraries. This workshop introduces XIMPEL, an open framework to ease the creation of interactive media applications. Via hands-on work and practical exercises, you gain knowledge and skills for creating new kinds of touch-based applications which can increase user engagement. The workshop is free of charge and technical knowledge is not required. A workshop report is now available here.


Together with colleagues from UiO, HiOA and Handelshøyskolen BI, we organize a workshop on data processing and visualization. The workshop will take place at the University of Oslo Science Library, as a satellite day to the VIRAK conference, on the 14th of June. This workshop, now fully booked, is aimed at all kinds of library staff who would like to become more acquainted with data processing and visualization.

Tid og sted: , VIRAK conference, Oslo

This pecha kucha talk at the VIRAK conference will provide a highly visual account on the learned lessons of utilizing a touch table in the physical library space.

Tid og sted: , VIRAK conference, Oslo

Library catalogs provide quick access to a wide variety of materials available in academic libraries. However, searching for literature is not always straightforward, and users encounter issues in finding the right material for their work and studies. To get a better understanding of these issues, we have analyzed user interactions with the library catalog of the University of Oslo Library, which we will present at the VIRAK conference on the 13th of June.

Tid og sted: , VIRAK conference, Oslo

The Visual Navigation Project welcomes you to a workshop at the VIRAK conference (June, 2017). The objective of this workshop is to foster interactive discussions about how users can explore and interact with library materials. The workshop consists of plenary presentations, opportunities for questions and discussions, as well as a chance to try out newly developed visual navigation tools. Read the workshop report here.