Digital Scholarship Days 2024

Digital Scholarship Days is for anyone keen to explore digital tools and methods, from programming, data management, to open science. Our workshops are tailored for both newcomers and seasoned scholars, covering a wide range of digital scholarship techniques.
Man with headset using a keyboard and mouse. Photo.

Monday, January 8th, 2024

Time Session
All day Project management for R and Rstudio
All day Databases and SQL
All day Project management for PhD students
Morning Using Omnipy for data wrangling and metadata mapping (Part 1 - Beginner level)
Afternoon Using Omnipy for developing and deploying data flows (Part 2 - Intermediate level)
Afternoon Creative Computing with P5.js
Afternoon Sonification of geophysical data via time–frequency analysis

Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

Time Session
All day Automatic Text Recognition for Historical Documents
All day Introduction to Fortran
Morning Geodata and ArcGIS software for humanities and social sciences scholars
Morning A simple way of using WandB to enhance the model training efficiency
Afternoon Nettskjema and audio and video equipment for Research use

Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

Time Session
All day Quarto - Next generation R Markdown
Morning FAIR: More than just a buzzword - a framework for data excellence
Morning ASReview and Covidence
Afternoon Using historical data in the Digital Archives
Afternoon Video Visualization Techniques

Thursday, January 11th, 2024

Time Session
All day Version control using git and GitHub
All day Programming with Julia
All day Text Mining with Python and Apps
Morning Introduction to NumPy and its application in seismic data denoising
Afternoon Step-by-Step Guide to Archiving Data in UiO's DataverseNO Repository
Afternoon Basics of ChatGPT4 code interpreter

Friday, January 12th, 2024

Time Session
Morning Unlock the power of EOSC: Navigating services for research
Morning Create, customise and maintain a Data Management Plan
Afternoon POWERPOINT? Yeah, we can do better
Afternoon Making a better data visualization

Contact Information


Published Nov. 30, 2023 2:04 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2024 12:34 PM